
Distrito Federal          
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 FA 1001 FC 4897 21,895  
  1968-69 AA 1001 AG 3841 56,835  
  1970-71 AA-001 CH-669 53,616  
  1972-73 1000-AA 5132-AH 67,133  
  1974-75 1000 AA 9466 AG 62,467  
  1976-77 1000 AA 9202 AJ 80,203  
  1978-79 1000 AA 1701 AP 117,702  
  1980-81 1000 AA 9619 AU 161,620  
  1982-83 1000 AA 9121 AF 53,122  
  1984-85 1000 AA 2128 AX 181,129  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    1000 AA 3748 BA 209,749  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Painted border 9375 BG 5661 BN 50,287  
  Type 2: As Type 1, but SCT symbol printed UR (not confirmed)      
  Type 3: No border, 99 dated 5523 BX 5523 BX 1  
  Type 4: No border, undated 2999 BY 4444 BY 1,446  
  2002 Angel of Independence base (green/tan)        
  Carga Privada 91-54-BZ 96-00-BZ 447 All have short barcode, unlike passenger. Different design with purple band at bottom.
  Carga Mercantil 43-34-CB 43-34-CB 1  
  Carga Privada 58-15-CC 49-80-CG 35,166  
  2008 Plain DF base (black/white)        
  Carga Privada 30-29-CH 53-22-CL 29,294  
  Particular 56-67-CM 84-69-CM 2,803  
  Type 2 (not confirmed)   0  
  2016 Plain CDMX base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Black/pink "CDMX" at top, narrow spacing (not confirmed)   0  
  Carga Privada Type 2: Black/pink "CDMX" at top, wide spacing, different corner graphic arrangement A-286-AA A-286-AA 1 Different design with green arc at bottom.
  Type 3: Green "X" logo at top, wide spacing (not confirmed)   0  
  Type 4: Green "X" logo at top, narrow spacing (not confirmed)   0  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 AA 1001 AA 1001 1  
  1968-69 BA 1001 BA 4444 3,444  
  1970-71 FL-001 FL-001 1  
  1972-73 AA-0001 AA-6185 6,185  
  1974-75 AA 0001 AA 7985 7,985  
  1976-77 AA 0001 AA 9196 9,196  
  1978-79 AA 0001 AA 3899 3,899  
  1980-81 AA 0001 AA 6757 6,757  
  1982-83 AA 0001 AB 5301 15,300  
  1984-85 AA 0001 AC 2228 22,226  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    AA 0001 AF 5531 55,526  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) AA 00001 AF 99999 599,994  
    AA 00001 AA 87491 87,491  
  2000 First-gen graphic base (green/light blue)        
  Type 1: Light hillside AB 04572 AB 11277 6,706  
  Type 2: Dark hillside, outlined letters AB 36681 AB 62944 26,264  
  Type 3: Dark hillside, non-outlined letters AB 66005 AB 68955 2,951  
  Type 2a AB 70403 AB 93261 22,859  
  Type 4: No logo LL or fine-print caption. (not confirmed)   0  
  2005 Blue stripe base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Undated AC-76-052 AC-76-052 1  
  Type 2: 2005-2007 dated AD-07-948 AD-95-390 87,443  
  2012 Red stripe base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Barcode in blue box AE-12-108 AE-84-111 72,004  
  Type 2: No box AE-21-874 AF-31-644 109,770 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2017 Blue gradient at bottom base (black/white)        
    AA-0001-A AE-5788-A 45,784  
  2023 El Gigante de México base (black/white)        
    AB-5254-E AB-5254-E 1 Suffix letter chosen for consistency with passenger.
Baja California          
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 BA 1001 BD 8236 34,233  
  1968-69 CA 1001 CC 1786 18,784  
  1970-71 GK-001 JD-555 40,515  
  1972-73 AG-0001 AK-9668 39,665  
  1974-75 AG 0001 AG 2031 2,031 Issuance plunges after Fronteriza plates debut.
  1976-77 AG 0001 AG 2700 2,700  
  1978-79 AG 0001 AG 6232 6,232  
  1980-81 AG 0001 AG 0001 1  
  1982-83 AG 0001 AG 5249 5,249  
  1984-85 AG 0001 AG 0201 201  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    AG 0001 AJ 5533 25,531  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) AG 00001 CD 99999 4,399,956  
  Type 1: Painted border AG 00001 AG 32679 32,679  
  Type 2: No border, graphics added in lower corners AG 49999 AG 72995 22,997  
  2001 Desert landscape base (green/off-white)        
    AG-76-999 AH-69-718 92,719  
  2004 Blue arc base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Map logo at top AL-01-795 AM-18-434 116,639  
  Type 2: "BC Grande por Ti" at top AM-25-602 AM-36-617 11,016  
  Type 3: "GobBC" at top, no box AM-48-150 AM-48-150 1  
  Type 4: "GobBC" in blue box at top (not confirmed)   0  
  2010 Vineyard base (black/light blue)        
  Type 1: "GobBC" in blue box; darker background AM-54-988 AN-81-771 126,783  
  Type 2: "Baja California" in white box; lighter background AN-85-583 AP-14-764 29,181 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2017 Blue stripe base (black/white)        
    AG-0001-A AJ-8837-A 28,835  
  2020 Maroon stripe base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Stripe at bottom only AM-9384-A AM-9384-A 1  
  Type 2: Stripes top & bottom AT-9587-A AU-2881-A 3,294  
Baja California Sur          
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 BT 1001 BT 3936 2,936  
  1968-69 AJ 1001 AJ 6156 5,156  
  1970-71 EA-001 EE-293 4,289  
  1972-73 CJ-0001 CJ-5612 5,612  
  1974-75 CJ 0001 CJ 0996 996 Issuance plunges after Fronteriza plates debut.
  1976-77 CJ 0001 CJ 0106 106  
  1978-79 CJ 0001 CJ 0395 395  
  1980-81 CJ 0001 CJ 3333 3,333  
  1982-83 CJ 0001 CJ 0001 1  
  1984-85 CJ 0001 CJ 0001 1  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    CJ 0001 CJ 6713 6,713  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) CE 00001 CL 99999 699,993  
  Type 1: Painted border CE 00001 CE 00001 1  
  Type 2: No border, graphics added in corners CE 21671 CE 30732 9,062  
  2003 Green letter sun base (green/white)        
    CE-33-552 CE-46-285 12,734  
  2006 Red letter sun base (red/white)        
  Type 1: Painted CE-54-995 CE-93-552 38,558  
  Type 2: Unpainted leftover plates CF-04-838 CF-04-838 1  
  2017 Blue stripe base (black/white)        
    CF-12-804 CF-21-731 8,928  
  2022 Green stripe base (black/white)        
    CF-51-522 CF-51-522 1  
  Still using AA-00-001 format as of 2024.        
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 CA 1001 CA 1001 1  
  1968-69 DA 1001 DA 1034 34  
  1970-71 JX-001 JX-001 1  
  1972-73 CS-0001 CS-0001 1  
  1974-75 CS 0001 CS 2887 2,887  
  1976-77 CS 0001 CS 0001 1  
  1978-79 CS 0001 CS 0001 1  
  1980-81 CS 0001 CS 0001 1  
  1982-83 CS 0001 CS 0001 1  
  1984-85 CS 0001 CS 6400 6,400  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    CS 0001 CT 8608 18,607  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) CM 00001 CU 99999 699,993  
  Type 1: Plain CM 00001 CM 18772 18,772  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR CM 23902 CM 23902 1  
  1999 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    CM 00959 CM 00959 1 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
    CM 01412 CM 01412 1  
  2002 Tower base (black/light blue)        
    CM-01-006 CM-01-006 1  
    CM-25-049 CM-26-853 1,805  
  2005 Tan temple base (green/tan & white)        
    CM-33-395 CM-73-418 40,024  
  2008 Green temple base (black/white)        
    CN-03-713 CN-30-111 26,399  
  2011 Red arc base (black/white)        
    CN-56-758 CP-09-892 53,134  
  2014 Streetscape base (black/white)        
    CP-24-038 CP-58-486 34,449  
  2017 Mosaic at top base (black/white)        
    CP-86-104 CR-24-004 37,900  
  2020 Fort collage base (black/white)        
    CR-47-132 CR-76-212 29,081 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2023 Jaguar collage base (black/white)        
    CM-0001-A CN-3409-A 13,408  
Chiapas         Note: In Spanish, "CH" is traditionally alphabetized after "C."
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 CH 1001 CH 1001 1  
  1968-69 EA 1001 EE 5594 40,590  
  1970-71 MH-001 MH-001 1  
  1972-73 CV-0001 CV-8907 8,907  
  1974-75 CV 0001 CV 6455 6,455  
  1976-77 CV 0001 CW 2501 12,500  
  1978-79 CV 0001 CV 0001 1  
  1980-81 CV 0001 CV 4018 4,018  
  1982-83 CV 0001 CV 0001 1  
  1984-85 CV 0001 CV 7235 7,235  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    CV 0001 CY 1531 31,528  
    (ZM reportedly added to allocation in 1991, but none confirmed.)      
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) CV 00001 DC 99999 799,992  
  Type 1: Plain CV 00001 CV 75789 75,789  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR (not confirmed)   0  
  1999 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
  Type 1: No barcode CW 35126 CW 38343 3,218  
  Type 2: Barcode at left CW 61340 CX 16599 55,259  
  2003 La Pila fountain base (black/white)        
    CX-42-022 CZ-42-000 199,977  
  2008 Orange hands base (black/white)        
    CZ-96-371 CZ-96-371 1 Discontinued after very few were issued.
  2009 Orange Mayan base (green/white)        
    DA-30-659 DC-74-264 243,604 Series exhausted.
  2013 Colour rings base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Rings run behind serial CV-58-571 CX-64-638 206,066 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  Type 2: Rings broken by serial CX-70-468 CY-32-776 62,308  
  2020 Plain base (black/white)        
    CV-0001-A DC-9999-A 79,992  
    CV-0001-B DC-9999-B 79,992  
    CV-0001-C DC-9999-C 79,992 Confirm C suffix.
    CV-0001-D CY-8866-D 38,863  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 CJ 1001 CJ 6775 5,775  
  1968-69 EC 1001 EE 5594 22,592  
  1970-71 NG-001 NW-341 13,328  
  1972-73 DD-0001 DG-1463 31,460  
  1974-75 DD 0001 DG 8847 38,844  
  1976-77 DD 0001 DH 3111 43,107  
  1978-79 DD 0001 DH 7978 47,974  
  1980-81 DD 0001 DK 5084 65,078  
  1982-83 DD 0001 DK 8903 68,897  
  1984-85 DD 0001 DP 7432 107,422  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    DE 6610 EG 8971 252,337  
    (DD, low DE, and high ZM reportedly added to allocation in 1990-91, but none confirmed.)      
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) DD 00001 EG 99999 2,699,973  
  Type 1: Painted border DD 00001 DF 38585 238,583  
  Type 1/2 DF 40001 DF 40001 1  
  Type 2: As Type 1, but SCT symbol printed UR (not confirmed)   0  
  Type 3: No border, barcode at top (not confirmed)   0  
  1999 First Raramuri runners base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Small crest LR (not confirmed)   0  
  Type 2: Large crest LR DG 30375 DK 65442 335,065  
  2003 Second Raramuri runners base (black/white)        
    DK-79-999 DP-26-570 346,568  
  2006 Tierra de Encuentro base (black/white)        
    DP-64-096 DT-61-922 297,824  
  2009 Pancho Villa base (black/white, screened map dividers)        
    DU-28-404 DX-35-927 307,521  
  2012 Vive base (black/white, screened map dividers)        
  Type 1: Barcode LR DX-52-630 EA-94-573 341,941  
  Type 2: QR code LR EB-46-166 EB-46-166 1  
  2016 Second Vive base (black/white)        
    EB-89-763 EE-52-653 262,888  
  2017 Blue plaque base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Plate number below QR code UR EE-72-911 EE-79-745 6,835  
  Type 2: No plate number UR EE-85-763 EF-77-942 92,179 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2022 Purple stripe base (turquoise/white)        
    DD-0001-A DX-0823-A 170,806  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 CB 1001 CD 2709 19,707  
  1968-69 DB 1001 DD 9868 26,866  
  1970-71 KJ-001 KJ-001 1  
  1972-73 ER-0001 ET-6482 26,480  
  1974-75 ER 0001 EU 1949 31,946  
  1976-77 ER 0001 ER 0001 1  
  1978-79 ER 0001 EV 2681 42,677  
  1980-81 ER 0001 ET 9047 29,045  
  1982-83 ER 0001 EW 3362 53,357  
  1984-85 ER 0001 EY 4760 74,753  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    EK 9438 EZ 9750 130,300  
    (ZP-ZR reportedly added to allocation in 1991, but none confirmed.)      
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) EH 00001 FB 99999 1,799,982  
  Type 1: Plain EH 00001 EJ 49572 149,571  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR (not confirmed)   0  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Red & green logo LR EL 06500 EL 06500 1  
  Type 2: New green & yellow logo LR EL 38690 EL 45346 6,657  
  2001 Red stripe base (green/white)        
    EH-10-181 EH-20-123 9,943 Duplicates prior series. Perhaps this came first, then they resumed where the previous base left off?
    EL-67-250 EM-96-763 129,513  
  2004 Carranza & cross base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Short barcode EN-45-769 EP-55-027 109,258  
  Type 2: Long barcode with number printed below EP-67-801 ER-10-814 43,013  
  2007 Church of Santiago Apostol base (black/pale yellow, red stripes)        
    ER-51-586 ET-09-996 158,409  
  2010 Cuna de la Revolución base (black/white, green stripes)        
    EU-39-776 EW-20-622 180,845  
  2013 Tyrannosaurus base (black/white)        
    EW-52-803 EY-50-295 197,491  
  2016 Pterodactylus base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Large pterosaur, brown arc EY-81-079 FA-40-224 159,144  
  Type 2: Small pterosaur, brown stripe FA-68-114 FB-00-474 32,360  
  Type 3: As Type 2, but serial shifted down (not confirmed)   0  
  2019 MagiCOahuila treeline base (black/white)        
    FB-80-076 FB-99-999 19,924 Series exhausted.
    EH-0001-A EZ-8593-A 158,578  
  2022 MagiCOahuila rainbow letter base (green/white)        
    EW-0456-B FA-3286-B 42,827  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 CE 1001 CE 1001 1  
  1968-69 DE 1001 DE 5391 4,391  
  1970-71 LW-001 LW-001 1  
  1972-73 FR-0001 FR-0001 1  
  1974-75 FR 0001 FR 5378 5,378  
  1976-77 FR 0001 FR 6254 6,254  
  1978-79 FR 0001 FR 6146 6,146  
  1980-81 FR 0001 FR 4168 4,168  
  1982-83 FR 0001 FR 9197 9,197  
  1984-85 FR 0001 FS 0988 10,987  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    FF 3877 FJ 8440 34,561  
    (FE, low FF reportedly added to allocation in 1990, but none confirmed.)      
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) FC 00001 FJ 99999 699,993  
  Type 1: Plain FC 00001 FC 47131 47,131  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR FC 59320 FC 61582 2,263  
  2000 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    FC 66981 FD 48548 81,567  
  2005 Rey Colimán base (black/white)        
    FD-62-276 FE-79-743 117,467  
  2010 Chevron base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Red chevron FF-12-204 FF-94-143 81,940  
  Type 2: Light green chevron (for corporate fleets?) FH-74-263 FH-84-081 9,819 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2017 Flag base (black/white)        
    FC-0001-A FD-3164-A 13,163  
  2022 Plain base (black/white)        
    FG-6497-A FG-6497-A 1  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 DA 1001 DB 1445 9,444  
  1968-69 FA 1001 FA 7398 6,398  
  1970-71 RF-001 RM-821 6,815  
  1972-73 FV-0001 FW-2029 12,028  
  1974-75 FV 0001 FV 0360 360  
  1976-77 FV 0001 FV 0046 46  
  1978-79 FV 0001 FV 8193 8,193  
  1980-81 FV 0001 FZ 2969 42,965  
  1982-83 FV 0001 FW 0655 10,654  
  1984-85 FV 0001 GB 0640 60,634  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    FK 5644 FY 3221 117,566  
    (Low FK, ZR-ZT reportedly added to allocation in 1990-91, but none confirmed.)      
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) FK 00001 FX 99999 1,199,988  
  Type 1: Plain FK 00001 FK 52124 52,124  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR (not confirmed)   0  
  2000 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    FL 52404 FM 66387 113,983  
  2003 Treeline base (black/white)        
    FN-00-002 FP-40-483 140,481  
  2006 Pancho Villa statue base (black/white)       (Unissued prototype design seen with #FP-43-903)
    FP-45-243 FR-89-428 144,185  
  2009 Rainbow letter base (red/white)        
  Type 1: Green & red logo UL FR-96-335 FT-38-701 142,365  
  Type 2: Blue, green, orange, & purple logo UL FT-45-512 FT-78-592 33,081 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2017 Guadalupe Victoria base (blue/white)        
    FK-0001-A FX-9999-A 119,988 2018 white/red sticker
    FY-0001-A FY-1581-A 1,581 Conflicts with Guanajuato's allocation.
    FK-0001-B FP-9499-B 49,495  
  2023 DGO. base (green/white)        
    FU-2951-B FX-9999-B 37,046  
    FK-0001-C FS-3853-C 63,847  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 EA 1001 EA 1001 1  
  1968-69 GA 1001 GB 1339 9,338  
  1970-71 SE-001 SL-038 6,032  
  1972-73 GF-0001 GG-3037 13,036  
  1974-75 GF 0001 GG 7349 17,348  
  1976-77 GF 0001 GF 0001 1  
  1978-79 GF 0001 GF 6726 6,726  
  1980-81 GF 0001 GF 0001 1  
  1982-83 GF 0001 GN 6213 76,206  
  1984-85 GF 0001 GR 4792 94,783  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    GB 7648 GS 0132 132,471  
    ZU 4560 ZU 4560 1 Overflow series confirmed.
    (FY-low GB, ZT-ZX reportedly added to allocation in 1990-91.)      
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) FY 00001 GW 99999 2,199,978  
  Type 1: Plain FY 00001 FZ 40382 140,381  
  Type 2: Graphic added LL (not confirmed)   0  
  1998 Inverted base (white/green & blue)        
    FY 00001 GA 92853 292,851 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2001 Beige & purple stripe base (black/white)        
    FY-00-001 GD-50-000 549,995 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2008 Orange stripe base (blue/white)        
  Type 1: Ghosted Miguel Hidalgo graphic, blue "gto" off-centre GF-52-461 GP-41-613 789,145  
  Type 2: No graphic, multicolour "gto" centred. GR-16-633 GR-44-527 27,895 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2017 Thin blue stripe base (blue/white)        
    FY-4026-A GE-1943-A 57,912  
  2020 Grandeza de México base (black/white)        
    GB-0269-B GW-9999-B 189,713  
    FY-0001-C GG-3484-C 83,476  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 EE 1001 EE 1001 1  
  1968-69 GD 1001 GD 5791 4,791  
  1970-71 TS-001 TV-783 3,780  
  1972-73 GZ-0001 GZ-0001 1  
  1974-75 GZ 0001 GZ 0001 1  
  1976-77 GZ 0001 GZ 0853 853  
  1978-79 GZ 0001 HA 2096 12,095  
  1980-81 GZ 0001 GZ 0001 1  
  1982-83 GZ 0001 HA 7216 17,215  
  1984-85 GZ 0001 GZ 0001 1  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    GX 0001 HD 8077 68,071  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) GX 00001 HG 99999 999,990  
  Type 1: Plain HA 20807 HA 20807 1 Serials below HA not confirmed.
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR HA 35012 HA 48867 13,856  
  2000 First-gen graphic base (green/white, red stripe)        
    GX 00001 GY 11231 111,230 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2003 Fort of San Diego base (black/white)        
    GY-37-134 GZ-47-488 110,354  
  2006 Multicolour seal base (black/white)        
    GX-00-001 GY-42-324 142,323 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
    HA-02-606 HA-03-333 728  
  2009 Indepedentes por Guerrero base (black/white)        
    HA-06-840 HB-34-418 127,578  
  2012 Orange border base (black/white)        
    HB-71-305 HD-51-113 179,807  
  2015 Second orange border base (black/white, photos in upper corners)        
    HD-83-908 HF-42-542 158,633 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2017 Needlepoint base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Small green zigzag motif, black state name, "12" LL (not confirmed)   0  
  Type 2: As Type 1, but Seal of Mexico LL and "T" or "F" UL GX-0001-A GZ-1532-A 21,530  
  Type 3: Large red/purple zigzag motif, green state name with logo HE-2124-A HG-9999-A 27,874  
  Type 3a GX-0001-B HG-9999-B 99,990  
  Type 3b GX-0001-C HG-9999-C 99,990  
  Type 3c GX-0001-D HG-9999-D 99,990  
  Type 3d GX-0001-E GY-3871-E 13,870  
  2022 Red corners base (black/white)        
    HG-0596-E HG-9999-E 9,404  
    GX-0001-F HB-9105-F 49,101  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 HA 1001 HA 1537 537  
  1968-69 HA 1001 HA 8530 7,530  
  1970-71 VD-001 VD-001 1  
  1972-73 HH-0001 HH-7391 7,391  
  1974-75 HH 0001 HH 0001 1  
  1976-77 HH 0001 HJ 5772 15,771  
  1978-79 HH 0001 HH 0001 1  
  1980-81 HH 0001 HK 0022 20,020  
  1982-83 HH 0001 HH 0001 1  
  1984-85 HH 0001 HL 7272 37,269  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    HH 0001 HS 3825 83,817  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) HH 00001 HT 99999 999,990  
    HH 00001 HH 97809 97,809  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    HK 01387 HL 14797 113,410  
  2002 Green ripples base (black/green)        
  Type 1: White slogan HM-22-931 HM-40-112 17,182  
  Type 2: Black slogan HM-80-131 HN-93-141 113,010  
  2006 Coat of arms base (black/white)        
    HR-09-999 HT-14-295 204,295  
  2013 Red cross base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Hidalgo head logo HH-00-001 HJ-43-687 143,686 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  Type 1a HH-0001-A HH-9221-A 9,221  
  Type 2: Bold H logo (not confirmed)   0 Were B, C, and D used?
  2018 Large H base (black/white)        
    HJ-2296-E HT-9999-E 87,696  
    HH-0001-F HR-2218-F 72,211  
  2023 Maroon stripe base (black/white)        
    HK-1481-G HK-1481-G 1  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 JA 1001 JA 1001 1  
  1968-69 JA 1001 JD 4584 30,581  
  1970-71 WC-001 WZ-139 20,119  
  1972-73 HW-0001 HY-5543 25,541  
  1974-75 HW 0001 HY 7872 27,870  
  1976-77 HW 0001 JB 8480 58,475  
  1978-79 HW 0001 JE 4078 84,070  
  1980-81 HW 0001 JC 3568 63,562  
  1982-83 HW 0001 JF 8102 98,093  
  1984-85 HW 0001 JE 2574 82,566  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    HW 0001 KJ 8703 358,668  
    (HU-HV, CA-CH reportedly added to allocation in 1990-91, but none confirmed.)      
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) HU 00001 KK 99999 3,899,961  
  Type 1: Plain HU 00001 HZ 06271 506,266  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR HZ 90400 JC 37884 247,482  
  2002 Map & agave base (black/white, yellow & blue stripes)        
  Type 1: Dark map JC-93-043 JD-37-597 44,554  
  Type 2: Light map JE-63-499 JR-61-002 997,494  
  2011 Minerva base (black/white)        
    JR-74-708 JV-34-264 359,553  
  2017 Blood drop base (black/white)        
    JV-40-397 JW-35-071 94,674  
  2019 Cool landscape base (black/white)        
    JW-47-719 JY-07-573 159,853  
  Still using AA-00-001 format as of 2024.        
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 ML 1001 MP 8264 34,261  
  1968-69 KA 1001 KC 8914 25,912  
  1970-71 100-AA 407-AT 14,708  
  1972-73 KL-0001 KN-5220 25,218  
  1974-75 KL 0001 KS 8861 58,856  
  1976-77 KL 0001 KS 2846 52,841  
  1978-79 KL 0001 KR 1644 41,640  
  1980-81 KL 0001 KR 7851 47,847  
  1982-83 KL 0001 KP 2907 32,904  
  1984-85 KL 0001 LA 2172 132,159  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    KL 0001 LW 7539 327,507  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) KL 00001 MS 99999 5,199,948  
  Type 1: Plain KL 00001 KL 98615 98,615  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR KM 71196 KM 71196 1  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    KN 60939 KR 75251 214,311  
  2002 Jet base (black/white)        
  Type 1: "Avanza" logo LR KR-99-999 KW-32-779 432,776  
  Type 2: Coat of arms stickers covering graphics LL & LR (not confirmed)   0  
  Type 3: Coat of arms printed LL & LR (not confirmed)   0  
  Type 4: "Compromiso" logo LR KX-09-445 KX-09-445 1  
  2009 Independence heroes base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Bicentenario legend UL, "Compromiso" logo repeated KX-74-223 LB-04-114 329,888  
  Type 2: No legend UL, "En Grande" logo repeated (not confirmed)   0  
  2015 Colour landscape base (black/white)        
    LB-32-114 LB-86-223 54,110  
  2018 EDOMÉX base (black/white)        
    LC-33-853 LF-60-075 326,220 Confirm LD.
  Still using AA-00-001 format as of 2024.        
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 ME 1001 ME 1001 1  
  1968-69 KE 1001 KE 8322 7,322  
  1970-71 100-CN 928-CX 8,029  
  1972-73 NB-0001 NB-8191 8,191  
  1974-75 NB 0001 NB 9869 9,869  
  1976-77 NB 0001 NE 5492 35,489  
  1978-79 NB 0001 NB 0001 1  
  1980-81 NB 0001 NK 5762 85,754  
  1982-83 NB 0001 NB 0001 1  
  1984-85 NB 0001 NE 6704 36,701  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    NB 0001 NL 5230 95,221  
    (MT-NA reportedly added to allocation in 1990, but none confirmed.)      
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) MT 00001 NT 99999 2,399,976  
  Type 1: Plain MT 00001      
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR MW 33967 MW 33967 1  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white, red stripe)        
  Type 1: Dark emblem MX 17921 NA 21392 303,469  
  Type 2: Light emblem NB 85193 NB 88859 3,667  
  2003 Horizontal rule base (red/white)        
  Type 1: Light state name NC-07-784 NH-03-373 495,585  
  Type 2: Bold state name NH-78-640 NJ-06-992 28,352  
  2007 Monarch butterflies base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Light butterflies, green/blue logo LL (not confirmed)   1 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  Type 2: Dark butterflies, green/blue logo LL MT-13-001 MT-40-500 27,500  
  Type 1a MU-24-950 MU-24-950 1  
  Type 2a MU-39-953 MY-33-475 393,519  
  Type 3: Dark butterflies, black/gold logo LL MY-65-354 MY-65-354 1  
  Type 4: Dark butterflies, black/green logo LL MY-80-299 MY-92-733 12,435  
  2012 Crest & flag base (black/white)        
    NK-58-311 NR-68-440 510,125 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2016 Está en ti base (black/white)        
    MT-0001-A MV-4619-K 554,564 Suffix appears to advance before the other letters, unlike most other Mexican issues of this format.
          Suffixes confirmed: AB D F HJK R V XY. Counted but unconfirmed: C E G LMNP STU W Z.
  2019 Sound wave base (black/white)        
    MW-5123-A MY-4684-A 19,560 Sequencing now same as other states. Start point of MW expected.
  2022 Purple stripe base (black/white)        
    MY-7503-A NT-9999-A 182,479  
    NS-8532-B NT-9999-B 11,467  
    MW-6793-C NT-0626-C 193,814  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 MH 1001 MH 1001 1  
  1968-69 KH 1001 KH 1001 1  
  1970-71 100-DN 490-DW 6,691  
  1972-73 NU-0001 NU-2425 2,425  
  1974-75 NU 0001 NU 3398 3,398  
  1976-77 NU 0001 NU 7609 7,609  
  1978-79 NU 0001 NU 0001 1  
  1980-81 NU 0001 NU 0001 1  
  1982-83 NU 0001 NU 0001 1  
  1984-85 NU 0001 NU 0001 1  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    NU 0001 NW 5127 25,125  
    (CP-CR reportedly added to allocation in 1991, but none confirmed.)      
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) NU 00001 NZ 99999 599,994  
    NU 00001 NU 09200 9,200  
  2002 Black Zapata head base (blue/white)        
    NU-00-001 NU-68-574 68,574 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2005 Blue Zapata head base (black/cream)        
    NU-00-001 NU-90-000 90,000 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2008 Palace of Cortés base (black/white)        
    NV-22-981 NV-64-494 41,514  
  2013 rainbow stripe base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Barcode LL, Nueva Visión logo LR NW-09-243 NW-89-937 80,695  
  Type 2: Barcode LL, Visión Morelos logo LR (not confirmed)   0  
  Type 3: QR code UR, other graphics rearranged (not confirmed)   0 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2019 flowers base (black/white)        
    NU-0007-A NZ-1249-A 51,238  
  2023 Anfitrión del Mundo base (white/black)        
    (not confirmed)   0  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 NA 1001 NA 1001 1  
  1968-69 LA 1001 LA 2895 1,895  
  1970-71 100-EA 288-EJ 7,389  
  1972-73 PA-0001 PA-1777 1,777  
  1974-75 PA 0001 PA 9035 9,035  
  1976-77 PA 0001 PA 2513 2,513  
  1978-79 PA 0001 PA 0001 1  
  1980-81 PA 0001 PB 3951 13,950  
  1982-83 PA 0001 PA 0001 1  
  1984-85 PA 0001 PB 2531 12,530  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    PA 0001 PC 1600 21,598  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) PA 00001 PG 99999 699,993  
  Type 1: Painted border PA 00001 PA 38993 38,993  
  Type 2: No border, graphics added in corners PB 16394 PB 34135 17,742  
  2002 Wave base (green/white)        
    PA-00-001 PA-48-482 48,482 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2004 Blue stripe base (blue/white, map LR)        
    PA-00-001 PB-09-191 109,190 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2007 Aerial photo base (black/light blue)        
    PA-00-001 PB-39-132 139,131 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2010 Riviera Nayarit base (black/light blue)        
    PB-61-763 PC-84-091 122,328  
  2013 Orgullo que nos une base (black/white)        
    PC-88-875 PD-92-281 103,406  
  2017 Purple stripe base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Mountain background graphic PE-19-940 PE-55-898 35,959  
  Type 2: No graphic PE-71-519 PF-08-629 37,110  
  2021 New blue stripe base (black/white)        
    PF-34-644 PF-37-348 2,705 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2022 Multicolour stripe base (brown/white)        
    PA-0001-A PD-7516-A 37,513  
Nuevo León          
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 NB 1001 ND 6913 23,911  
  1968-69 LC 1001 LF 2687 28,684  
  1970-71 100-FA 100-FA 1  
  1972-73 PH-0001 PK-6284 26,282  
  1974-75 PH 0001 PH 0001 1  
  1976-77 PH 0001 PM 2700 42,696  
  1978-79 PH 0001 PN 3207 53,202  
  1980-81 PH 0001 PH 5764 5,764  
  1982-83 PH 0001 PJ 8598 18,597  
  1984-85 PH 0001 PL 9975 39,972  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    PH 0001 PZ 2429 152,414  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) PH 00001 RP 99999 2,999,970  
  Type 1: Plain PH 00001 PJ 52213 152,212  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR PK 30985 PK 30985 1  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    PK 37480 PN 13385 275,903  
  2002 Three peak base (black/white)        
    PN-39-999 PS-73-797 333,796  
  2005 Map base (black/white)        
    PT-17-694 PW-59-316 341,620  
  2008 Blue mountain base (black/white)        
    PY-08-953 RC-18-536 409,580  
  2011 Green name base (black/white)        
    RD-67-587 RK-00-639 533,047  
  2016 Black name base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Barcode at bottom RK-15-269 RK-15-269 1 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  Type 2: No barcode PH-0001-A PL-3191-A 33,188  
  Type 3: "Orgullo de ser del Norte" at bottom PS-6992-A PS-6992-A 1  
  2022 Gold crest base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Large lion, narrow-spaced state name RA-8132-A RA-8132-A 1  
  Type 2: Small lion, wide-spaced state name (not confirmed)   0  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 XA 1001 XA 1001 1  
  1968-69 MA 1001 MA 3402 2,402  
  1970-71 100-HB 100-HB 1  
  1972-73 RR-0001 RS-0231 10,230  
  1974-75 RR 0001 RS 1205 11,204  
  1976-77 RR 0001 RS 5823 15,822  
  1978-79 RR 0001 RS 8567 18,566  
  1980-81 RR 0001 RT 2884 22,882  
  1982-83 RR 0001 RT 7399 27,397  
  1984-85 RR 0001 RS 6712 16,711  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    RR 0001 RW 5082 55,077  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) RR 00001 RY 99999 799,992  
    RR 00001 RR 68799 68,799  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Stylized "OAXACA" top, wide OAX MEX (not confirmed)   0  
  Type 2: Stripes top, narrow OAX MEX RS 08796 RS 20000 11,205  
  2001 Rock base (red/white)        
  Type 1: Dark rock, barcode centred at top RS-45-944 RT-11-342 65,398  
  Type 2: Light rock, barcode offset right RT-20-000 RT-41-072 21,073  
  2005 Benito Juarez base (black/white)        
    RT-49-427 RU-49-466 100,039  
    RU-66-605 RU-70-088 3,484  
    RU-94-740 RU-94-740 1  
  2009 Flag base (black/green, white & red)        
    RU-62-354 RU-64-116 1,763 Overlap with prior baseplate unexplained.
    RU-70-931 RU-83-329 12,399  
    RU-95-817 RW-05-630 109,812  
  2013 Ghosted eagle base (black/white)        
    RW-24-404 RX-50-818 126,414  
  2018 Rainbow blocks base (black/white)        
    RX-63-838 RX-94-336 30,499 RY expected, if series exhausted.
    RR-0001-A RR-8257-A 8,257  
  2023 Line of people base (green/white)        
    RV-7866-A RV-7866-A 1  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 PA 1001 PA 2835 1,835  
  1968-69 NA 1001 NA 6091 5,091  
  1970-71 100-JB 100-JB 1  
  1972-73 RZ-0001 RZ-8428 8,428  
  1974-75 RZ 0001 SA 3422 13,421  
  1976-77 RZ 0001 SC 0140 30,137  
  1978-79 RZ 0001 SB 1544 21,542  
  1980-81 RZ 0001 SD 2031 42,027  
  1982-83 RZ 0001 RZ 8403 8,403  
  1984-85 RZ 0001 SC 8522 38,519  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    RZ 0001 SN 0004 129,991  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) RZ 00001 SR 99999 1,599,984  
  Type 1: Plain RZ 00001 SA 48871 148,870  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR SA 88017 SA 99583 11,567  
  2000 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    SB 07501 SD 84680 277,178  
  2006 Green border base (black/white)        
    SE-62-209 SJ-14-467 352,255  
  2010 Hermanos Serdan base (black/white)        
    SJ-21-019 SJ-44-449 23,431  
  2011 Blue stripe base        
  Type 1: Colourblock logo, "PB 21" UL SJ-60-737 SK-17-615 56,878  
  Type 2: Colourblock logo, QR code UL SL-14-828 SM-36-050 121,222 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  Type 3: Circular logo, revised typography (not confirmed)   0  
  2020 Red stripe base        
    SN-15-950 SN-15-950 1  
  Still using AA-00-001 format as of 2024.        
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 UE 1001 UE 1001 1  
  1968-69 PA 1001 PA 5543 4,543  
  1970-71 100-KP 503-KU 4,004  
  1972-73 SU-0001 SU-0001 1  
  1974-75 SU 0001 SU 0001 1  
  1976-77 SU 0001 SU 0001 1  
  1978-79 SU 0001 SU 0001 1  
  1980-81 SU 0001 SU 1256 1,256  
  1982-83 SU 0001 SU 0001 1  
  1984-85 SU 0001 SU 8273 8,273  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    SU 0001 SY 4981 44,977  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) SS 00001 SY 99999 699,993  
    SS 00001 SS 16426 16,426  
  1998 Coat of arms first-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    SS 75233 SS 79019 3,787  
  1999 Aqueduct first-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    ST 12127 ST 80000 67,874  
  2002 Purple border base (black/white)        
    SU-00-001 SV-80-613 180,612  
  2005 Ghosted Q base (black/white)        
    SW-49-999 SX-02-459 52,460  
  2008 Blue stripe base (black/white)        
    SY-40-143 SY-99-999 59,857  
    SS-00-001 ST-12-436 112,435 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
    SS-0001-A SS-5575-C 25,573 Suffix appears to advance before the other letters, unlike most other Mexican issues of this format.
        197,865 Suffixes confirmed: A C.
  2017 Blue rectangle base (black/white)        
    SU-7175-A SY-9999-A 42,821 Sequencing now same as other states. Start point of ST expected.
    SS-0001-B ST-9910-B 19,909  
  2022 Dot pattern base (black/white)        
    SW-8173-B SW-8173-B 1  
Quintana Roo          
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 UA 1001 UA 1001 1  
  1968-69 AL 1001 AL 1337 337  
  1970-71 EZ-001 EZ-600 600  
  1972-73 TB-0001 TB-0001 1  
  1974-75 TB 0001 TB 1634 1,634 Note: Quintana Roo achieved statehood 8 Oct 1974.
  1976-77 TB 0001 TB 0001 1  
  1978-79 TB 0001 TB 0515 515  
  1980-81 TB 0001 TB 1316 1,316  
  1982-83 TB 0001 TB 3141 3,141  
  1984-85 TB 0001 TB 4495 4,495  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    TA 0001 TB 6255 16,254  
    (SZ reportedly added to allocation in 1989, but none confirmed.)      
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) SZ 00001 TB 99999 299,997  
    SZ 00001   1  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Undated, barcode SZ 21762 SZ 22449 688  
  Type 2: Wide "98," no barcode SZ 31585 SZ 44105 12,521  
  Type 3: Narrow "98," no barcode SZ 44411 SZ 44411 1  
  Type 2a TA 10056 TA 10096 41  
  Type 2b TB 00678 TB 00678 1  
  2002 Tulum ruins base (black/white)        
    SZ-51-823 SZ-54-863 3,041 "Overlap" may actually be a serial reset with numbers duplicating the prior base.
    TA-35-049 TA-53-397 18,349  
    TB-19-633 TB-19-633 1  
  2007 Green arc base (black/white)        
    SZ-79-578 SZ-96-997 17,420  
    TA-16-195 TA-27-813 11,619  
    TA-87-440 TA-87-440 1  
  2011 Sailfish base (black/white)        
    TB-03-445 TB-09-520 6,076  
    TB-38-781 TB-99-999 61,219 Series exhausted.
    SZ-0001-A SZ-0327-A 327  
  2014 Tiger shark base (black/light blue)        
    SZ-6516-B TB-9999-B 23,482  
    SZ-0001-C TB-9758-C 29,756  
    TB-1045-E TB-5323-E 4,279 D suffix expected, but note overlap.
    TB-0987-F TB-0987-F 1  
  2017 Pictogram base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Black QR code, black emblem LL SZ-0727-E SZ-0727-E 1  
  Type 1a SZ-0103-F SZ-9224-F 9,122  
  Type 2: Blue QR code, grey emblem LL TA-1939-G TB-9999-G 18,060  
  Type 2a SZ-0001-H TA-7791-H 17,790  
  2020 New pictogram base (black/white, blue triangle LL)        
    TB-5644-H TB-9999-H 4,356  
    SZ-0001-J TB-4057-J 24,055  
  2023 Unidos para Transformar base (brown/white)        
    TB-3784-L TB-3784-L 1  
San Luis Potosí          
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 SA 1001 SA 8768 7,768  
  1968-69 SA 1001 SA 1887 887  
  1970-71 100-LB 100-LB 1  
  1972-73 TC-0001 TD-0306 10,305  
  1974-75 TC 0001 TC 0001 1  
  1976-77 TC 0001 TC 0001 1  
  1978-79 TC 0001 TC 7273 7,273  
  1980-81 TC 0001 TC 4503 4,503  
  1982-83 TC 0001 TF 2087 32,084  
  1984-85 TC 0001 TG 9990 49,986  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    TC 0001 TL 7777 87,769  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) TC 00001 TP 99999 1,199,988  
  Type 1: Painted border TC 00001 TD 27285 127,284  
  Type 2: No border, SCT symbol printed UR TE 09999 TE 66343 56,345  
  2001 Gold map & black stripe base (black/white)        
    TF-00-791 TG-41-268 140,477  
  2004 Gold coat of arms base (blue/white)        
    TH-54-439 TJ-26-968 72,529  
  2007 Teatro de la Paz base (blue/white)        
    TL-29-098 TM-11-322 82,224  
  2010 Red sweep base (black/white)        
    TM-75-312 TP-71-588 196,275 Series nearly exhausted.
  2013 Belleza que nace desde adentro base (black/white)        
    TC-0001-A TC-2379-V 182,361 Suffix appears to advance before the other letters, unlike most other Mexican issues of this format.
          Suffixes confirmed: BC GHJ N S UV. Counted but unconfirmed: A DEF KLM PR T WXYZ.
  2016 Green wave base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Barcode at top TD-4768-B TD-5368-B 601 Watch for change to suffix control.
  Type 1a TD-3286-C TD-6330-C 3,045  
  Type 2: Large QR code UR TH-1747-F TH-1747-F 1 Start point of TD expected.
  Type 3: Small QR code UR (does not break grey line) (not confirmed)   0  
  2022 Huasteca Potosina base (black/white)        
  Type 1: No map UL TM-2103-F TP-9999-F 27,895  
  Type 2: Map UL TD-2461-G TD-2461-G 1  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 SD 1001 SD 1001 1  
  1968-69 SC 1001 SE 7614 24,612  
  1970-71 100-MB 259-MB 160  
  1972-73 TT-0001 TT-0001 1  
  1974-75 TT 0001 TW 4549 34,546  
  1976-77 TT 0001 TV 9035 29,033  
  1978-79 TT 0001 TT 0001 1  
  1980-81 TT 0001 TX 7123 47,119  
  1982-83 TT 0001 TT 0001 1  
  1984-85 TT 0001 TW 1197 31,194  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    TT 0001 UK 6607 166,591  
    (TR-TS, RN-RP reportedly added to allocation in 1990-91, but none confirmed.)      
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) TR 00001 UL 99999 1,999,980  
  Type 1: Plain, painted border TR 00001 TS 73417 173,416  
  Type 2: Graphics at bottom, painted border TS 92409 TT 26116 33,707  
  Type 3: Graphics at bottom, no border, barcode added TT 27039 TT 27039 1  
  2002 Drummer base (black/green & beige)        
  Type 1: Single barcode at top TT-49-999 TW-11-308 261,307  
  Type 2: Second barcode added UR TW-23-812 TW-23-812 1  
  2006 Tomato base (black/white)        
    TW-39-773 UB-09-209 469,432  
  2012 Plain blue-letter base (blue/white)        
  Type 1: No QR code UB-72-537 UC-22-198 49,661  
  Type 2: QR code added LR UC-61-884 UG-94-086 432,199  
  2017 Plain black-letter base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Upper legend on 1 line UJ-42-292 UJ-42-292 1  
  Type 2: Legend on 2 lines, circular "Puro Calidad" logo added UJ-90-557 UK-13-478 22,921  
  Type 3: Map added UL UK-68-442 UK-68-442 1  
  2023 Plain brown-letter base (brown/white, "SINALOA" repeated at top)        
    (not confirmed)   0  
  May or may not still be using AA-00-001 format.        
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 SH 1001 SL 5473 31,470  
  1968-69 SG 1001 SK 1178 27,175  
  1970-71 100-PC 621-RV 35,622  
  1972-73 UP-0001 UU-7419 47,415  
  1974-75 UP 0001 UR 9324 19,323  
  1976-77 UP 0001 UU 3512 43,508  
  1978-79 UP 0001 UT 4930 34,927  
  1980-81 UP 0001 UW 0758 60,752  
  1982-83 UP 0001 UV 5354 55,349  
  1984-85 UP 0001 UU 5739 45,735  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    UP 0001 VG 4137 164,121  
    (UM-UN reportedly added to allocation in 1990, but none confirmed.)      
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) UM 00001 VK 99999 2,199,978  
  Type 1: Plain UM 00001 UN 06214 106,213  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR UN 84664 UN 98668 14,005  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    UM 00001 UP 14432 214,430 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2002 Blazing sun base (green/red & white)        
    UM-00-001 UP-10-328 210,326 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2005 Plain deer dance base (black/white)        
    UP-47-097 UT-51-960 304,861  
  2008 Plain red stripe base (black/white)        
    UT-92-515 UX-30-388 337,870  
  2011 Ram base (black/white)        
    UX-69-241 VA-61-732 292,489  
  2014 Sea & desert base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Large graphics, barcode at bottom VB-02-896 VE-40-207 337,309 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  Type 2: Small graphics, QR code UR UM-0001-A UM-0001-A 1  
  Type 3: As Type 2, but crest added left of state name (not confirmed)   0  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 TA 1001 TA 1001 1  
  1968-69 TA 1001 TA 1357 357  
  1970-71 100-SR 100-SR 1  
  1972-73 VP-0001 VP-0001 1  
  1974-75 VP 0001 VP 7238 7,238  
  1976-77 VP 0001 VP 3897 3,897  
  1978-79 VP 0001 VP 0001 1  
  1980-81 VP 0001 VP 0001 1  
  1982-83 VP 0001 VR 1486 11,485  
  1984-85 VP 0001 VS 1660 21,658  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    VL 0001 VT 0514 60,508  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) VL 00001 VT 99999 699,993  
  Type 1: Painted border VL 00001 VL 07913 7,913 No VM, VN, VP seen. Unclear if entire sequence was used. VL series may have actually been last in sequence.
  Type 1a VR 90283 VR 90283 1  
  Type 2: As Type 1, but SCT symbol printed UR VL 39162 VL 39162 1  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    VL 00001 VL 30963 30,963 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series. No VM, VN seen.
    VP 89999 VR 70820 80,821  
  2003 Basalt columns base (black/white)        
    VL-00-001 VM-10-000 109,999 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2009 Orange wave base (black/orange)        
    VP-00-419 VR-23-037 122,618  
  2014 Colour stripe base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Triangular gradient in UL corner VS-00-447 VT-25-999 125,552  
  Type 2: Vertical gradient left of serial VM-50-991 VM-82-171 31,181 End of sequence reached; backfill begins.
  Type 2a VR-32-998 VR-32-998 1  
  2020 Flower mosaic base (black/white)        
    VL-0001-A VT-9999-A 69,993 Confirm VL series.
    VL-0001-B VP-4104-B 34,101  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 TB 1001 TC 5332 13,331  
  1968-69 TB 1001 TC 3394 11,393  
  1970-71 100-TC 156-TN 9,057  
  1972-73 VU-0001 VU-8702 8,702  
  1974-75 VU 0001 VW 0967 20,965  
  1976-77 VU 0001 VW 8858 28,856  
  1978-79 VU 0001 VU 0001 1  
  1980-81 VU 0001 VU 0001 1  
  1982-83 VU 0001 WA 6162 66,156  
  1984-85 VU 0001 WD 0445 90,436  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    VU 0001 WM 4273 174,256  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) VU 00001 WX 99999 2,699,973  
    VU 00001 VU 73693 73,693  
  1998 first-gen graphic base (green/white)        
  Type 1: "Camino Nuevo" at bottom VW 08313 VW 73400 65,088  
  Type 2: No legend, revised logo UL VX 20695 VX 50504 29,810  
  2001 Green stripe base (black/white)        
    VY-00-619 WA-11-290 210,670  
  2004 Coat of arms base (black/white)        
    WA-74-889 WC-81-008 206,118  
  2007 Brown stripe base (black/white)        
    WD-06-704 WF-68-185 261,480  
  2010 Green stripe & flag base (black/white)        
    WH-24-590 WK-28-885 204,294  
  2013 Cerro del Bernal base (black/white, red butte)        
    WK-45-691 WM-40-142 194,450  
  2016 Third green stripe base (black/white, ornate design bottom centre)        
    WM-77-638 WP-07-864 130,225 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2019 Tam wave base (black/white)        
    VU-0001-A WM-7608-A 177,591  
  2022 Tam solid stripe base (blue/white)        
    WR-9573-A WX-9999-A 60,421 Confirm WX series.
    VU-0001-B VW-9199-B 29,197  
  2023 Red T base (black/white)        
    WB-6652-B WL-3403-B 86,743  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 TL 1001 TL 1236 236  
  1968-69 TF 1001 TF 3284 2,284  
  1970-71 100-VD 215-VJ 4,616  
  1972-73 XB-0001 XB-7411 7,411  
  1974-75 XB 0001 XB 7391 7,391  
  1976-77 XB 0001 XB 0001 1  
  1978-79 XB 0001 XC 0578 10,577  
  1980-81 XB 0001 XB 0125 125  
  1982-83 XB 0001 XC 4795 14,794  
  1984-85 XB 0001 XB 5888 5,888  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    XB 0001 XE 9452 39,449  
    (WY-XA reportedly added to allocation in 1990, but none confirmed.)      
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) WY 00001 XE 99999 699,993  
  Type 1: Plain WY 00001 WY 49387 49,387  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR (not confirmed)   0  
  1999 first-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    WY 60281 WY 63560 3,280  
  2002 Cuna de la Nacion base (green/white, yellow stripe)        
    WY-00-001 WY-57-952 57,952 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2006 Birdman base (black/white & blue)        
  Type 1: Gradient mountain WZ-27-952 WZ-35-431 7,480  
  Type 2: Solid mountain WZ-63-286 WZ-63-286 1  
  2012 Plain volcano base (black/white)        
    XA-15-337 XA-60-849 45,513  
  2015 Mural background base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Full mural XB-00-240 XB-86-846 86,607  
  Type 2: Cropped mural at top only XC-06-696 XC-06-696 1 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2020 500 base (black/white, red arc)        
    XD-6420-A XE-1161-A 4,741 WY-XC expected, but not confirmed.
  2023 Una Nueva Historia base (black/white, purple stripe)        
    XC-4501-C XC-4501-C 1  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 VA 1001 VA 1001 1  
  1968-69 UA 1001 UC 9220 26,218  
  1970-71 100-VR 100-VR 1  
  1972-73 XG-0001 XK-2566 32,563  
  1974-75 XG 0001 XL 5061 45,057  
  1976-77 XG 0001 XH 5158 15,157  
  1978-79 XG 0001 XG 3716 3,716  
  1980-81 XG 0001 YK 4025 263,999  
  1982-83 XG 0001 YA 4147 174,130  
  1984-85 XG 0001 YN 2018 291,989  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    XF 0001 XZ 1015 170,998  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) XF 00001 YM 99999 2,999,970  
    XF 00001 XK 05173 405,169  
    XN 70231 XP 78024 107,793  
  1999 Dancers base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Large dies, "VER MEX" XF 00001 XL 00001 499,996 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  Type 2: Small dies, "MEXICO VERACRUZ" XR-23-435 XR-45-342 21,908  
  2004 Pyramid base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Dark pyramid XR-83-601 XS-06-595 22,994  
  Type 1a XF-00-001 XM-53-459 653,453 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  Type 2: Light pyramid XM-72-161 XM-74-565 2,405 "Light" version may actually be fade damage.
  2007 Red emblem base (green/white)        
    XG-99-279 XJ-60-927 161,647 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2008 Late con Fuerza base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Red border touches edge XZ-12-120 XZ-12-120 1 Out of sequence.
  Type 2: Thin white border around red XK-41-282 XR-73-787 532,501  
  2011 Green hills base (black/white)       Different design from passenger.
  Type 1: Short barcode between logos XS-73-689 XU-52-208 178,518  
  Type 2: Long barcode above logos XV-03-459 XY-00-739 297,278  
  Type 3: Short barcode with number above logos (not confirmed)   0 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2017 Grey wave base (black/white)        
    XJ-1461-A XJ-4195-A 2,735  
  2019 Me Llena de Orgullo base (black/white)        
    XL-3548-A XN-5556-A 22,007  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 YA 1001 YA 1001 1  
  1968-69 VA 1001 VA 1001 1 (VA3208 Sinaloa passenger)
  1970-71 100-YD 175-YG 2,776  
  1972-73 YV-0001 YV-4783 4,783  
  1974-75 YV 0001 YV 5718 5,718  
  1976-77 YV 0001 YV 6272 6,272  
  1978-79 YV 0001 YV 0001 1  
  1980-81 YV 0001 YV 6461 6,461  
  1982-83 YV 0001 YV 1577 1,577  
  1984-85 YV 0001 YW 9286 19,285  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    YN 0001 YS 3255 33,252  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) YN 00001 YU 99999 599,994  
  Type 1: Plain YN 00001 YN 31866 31,866  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR YN 45274 YN 45274 1  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Helvetica legend YN 00001 YN 23678 23,678 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  Type 2: Modified Series D legend YN 34719 YN 34719 1  
  2003 Observatory base (blue/white)        
    YN-00-001 YN-28-271 28,271 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
    YN-47-011 YN-48-440 1,430  
  2006 Pyramid base (black/white, green bump)        
    YN-31-014 YN-31-014 1  
    YN-52-820 YN-69-534 16,715  
  2009 Second pyramid base (black/white, green trough)        
  Type 1: Green square logo and slogan UL YP-03-436 YP-99-663 96,228  
  Type 2: Blank UL YR-00-064 YR-06-149 6,086  
  Type 3: "Y" logo and new slogan UL YR-08-347 YR-15-807 7,461 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2017 Green stripe base (black/white)        
    YN-0001-A YT-7998-A 47,994  
  2020 Green name base (black/white)        
    YR-7455-C YT-0793-C 13,337  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 ZA 1001 ZA 8862 7,862  
  1968-69 WA 1001 WA 7355 6,355  
  1970-71 100-YR 352-YT 2,053  
  1972-73 ZA-0001 ZB-2026 12,025  
  1974-75 ZA 0001 ZB 2525 12,524  
  1976-77 ZA 0001 ZA 6877 6,877  
  1978-79 ZA 0001 ZA 8655 8,655  
  1980-81 ZA 0001 ZD 0848 30,845  
  1982-83 ZA 0001 ZA 1940 1,940  
  1984-85 ZA 0001 ZD 5009 35,006  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    YV 0001 ZC 0656 70,649  
    (ZJ-ZL reportedly added to allocation in 1990-91, but none confirmed.)      
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) YV 00001 ZJ 99999 1,399,986  
  Type 1: Plain YV 00001 YV 96053 96,053  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR YW 50000 YW 50000 1  
  1995 Coat of arms first-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    (not confirmed)   0 Probably issued for passenger only.
  1999 Yellow stripe first-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    YX 24869 YY 57185 132,316  
  2002 Beige hill base (black/white)        
    YY-89-999 YZ-34-001 44,002  
  2004 Beige cathedral base (green/white)        
    YZ-61-900 ZB-68-948 207,047  
  2008 Brown stripe base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Sans-serif "I" in Mexico ZC-53-898 ZD-06-653 52,755  
  Type 2: Serif "I" in Mexico ZD-79-961 ZE-71-612 91,651  
  2011 Flag base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Graphics on pre-applied decals (SCT logo almost touches green band) ZF-11-111 ZG-60-491 149,380  
  Type 2: Pre-printed sheeting, no box around barcode ZG-80-599 ZH-33-520 52,921  
  Type 3: Barcode in black or blue box ZH-47-269 ZJ-21-104 73,835  
  Type 2a ZJ-44-857 ZJ-81-795 36,939  
  2017 skyline montage base (black/white)        
    YX-6110-A ZJ-9999-A 113,879  
    YV-0001-B ZB-2486-B 62,480  
  2022 mountains base (dark red/white)        
    ZJ-9271-B ZJ-9999-B 729  
    YV-0001-C YY-8604-C 38,601  

Last Updated on 8-24-24
By Andrew Turnbull