
Baja California          
  Biennial plates:        
  1972-73 (none)   0  
  1974-75 100 YAA 687 YKP 198,588  
  1976-77 100 YAA 465 YKW 203,766  
  1978-79 100 XAA 449 XLV 223,550  
  1980-81 100 XAA 260 XRM 299,861  
  1982-83 100 XAA 369 XSP 322,470  
  1984-85 100 XAA 290 XSW 327,791  
  1986 base (black/light blue)        
    100 VWA 482 XCX 618,683  
  1992 base (green/yellow)        
  (Assignment) 001 NRA1 999 NZZ9 1,861,137 Progression: 001 NRA1 - 999 NRA1, 001 NRA2, etc.
  Type 1: Painted border 001 NRA1 133 NTB6 427,705  
  Type 2: No border, graphics added in lower corners 840 NTN5 389 NVL9 399,150  
  2001 Desert landscape base (green/yellow & off-white)        
    026-NVR-7 757-NXL-9 380,352 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2004 Yellow arc base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Map logo at top BAA-10-00 BDM-86-66 727,667  
  Type 2: "BC Grande por Ti" at top BDP-87-24 BEL-56-30 176,907  
  Type 3: "GobBC" at top, no box BEM-13-47 BEU-49-36 57,590  
  Type 4: "GobBC" in blue box at top BEV-78-35 BFA-39-81 41,147  
  2010 Vineyard base (black/light blue, orange stripe at top)        
  Type 1: "GobBC" in blue box; darker background BFC-44-91 BHW-97-53 572,263 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  Type 1a A01-NRA-1 V87-NRB-1 36,618 Prefix appears to advance before the other letters, unlike most other Mexican issues of this format. Assumed progression (could be wrong): A01 to A99, then suffix, then B01, then NRB.
  Type 2: "Baja California" in white box; lighter background F83-NRC-1 Y03-NRK-9 158,420 Prefixes confirmed: A C FGHJKLMNPRS UVWXYZ. Assuming all but IOQ used.
  2017 Blue stripe base (black/white) - identical to regular design        
    A99-NSE-3 A25-NVL-5 66,950 Sequencing now same as other states; progression 01 to 99, then suffix, then 3 letters, then prefix. Start point between NRL and NSE expected.
  2020 Red stripe base (black/white) - identical to regular design        
  Type 1: Stripe at bottom only B55-NUN-7 B55-NUN-7 1  
  Type 2: Stripes top & bottom B88-NXW-3 B88-NXW-3 1  
  1992 base (green/yellow)        
  (Assignment) ZJA 1000 ZLC 9999 441,000 ZLD-ZLZ autobus, remolque.
  Type 1: Painted border ZJA 1000 ZJS 8185 142,186  
  Type 2: No border, graphics added in lower corners ZKD 9116 ZKW 3950 138,835  
  2001 Desert landscape base (green/yellow & off-white)        
    ZKY-20-83 ZLA-89-25 24,843 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2004 Yellow arc base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Map logo at top BL-01-682 BM-57-041 155,359  
  Type 2: "BC Grande por Ti" at top BM-80-142 BN-02-562 22,420  
  Type 3: "GobBC" at top, no box (none confirmed)   0  
  Type 4: "GobBC" in blue box at top BN-30-137 BN-30-137 1  
  2010 Vineyard base (black/light blue, orange stripe at top)        
  Type 1: "GobBC" in blue box; darker background BN-52-799 BP-94-062 141,263 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  Type 1a ZJA-001-A ZJA-410-K 9,401 Suffix appears to advance before the other letters, unlike most other Mexican issues of this format.
  Type 2: "Baja California" in white box; lighter background ZJA-653-T ZJB-305-R 20,632 Suffixes confirmed: D K R T. Assuming all but IOQ used.
  2017 Blue stripe base (black/white) - identical to regular design        
    (none confirmed)   0  
  2020 Red stripe base (black/white) - identical to regular design        
  Type 1: Stripe at bottom only ZKC-499-A ZKC-499-A 1 Sequencing now same as other states.
  Type 2: Stripes top & bottom (none confirmed)   0  
Baja California Sur          
  Biennial plates:        
  1972-73 (none)   0  
  1974-75 100 YLA 488 YMH 27,389  
  1976-77 100 YLA 726 YMP 33,027  
  1978-79 100 YAA 219 YBV 37,020  
  1980-81 100 YAA 104 YBU 36,005  
  1982-83 100 YAA 814 YCW 59,215  
  1984-85 100 YAA 852 YCZ 61,953  
  1986 base (black/light blue)        
    100 XLA 582 XPA 62,583  
  1992 base (green/yellow)        
  (Assignment) 001 PLA1 999 PRZ9 1,033,965  
  Type 1: Painted border 001 PLA1 130 PLH6 68,062  
  Type 2: No border, graphics added in lower corners 698 PLN5 375 PLT5 35,642  
  2003 Black letter sun base (black/white, FRONT BS)        
    008-PLW-8 253-PMG-9 91,155  
  2006 Blue letter sun base (dark blue/white, FRONT BCS)        
    308-PMH-2 662-PND-9 178,177  
  2017 Orange stripe base (black/white)        
    771-PNE-4 441-PNJ-2 33,637  
  2022 Maroon stripe base (black/white)        
    739-PNS-5 739-PNS-5 1  
  Still using 001-AAA-1 format as of 2024.        
  1992 base (green/yellow)        
  (Assignment) ZMA 1000 ZNC 9999 234,000 ZND-ZNZ autobus, remolque.
  Type 1: Painted border ZMA 1000 ZME 2263 37,264  
  Type 2: No border, graphics added in lower corners ZMK 7153 ZMN 4369 24,217  
  2003 Black letter sun base (black/white, FRONT BS)        
    ZMR-13-06 ZMV-60-12 40,707  
  2006 Blue letter sun base (dark blue/white, FRONT BCS)        
    ZMV-98-46 ZNC-99-99 63,154 Series exhausted.
    ZMA-001-A ZMA-209-R 14,195 Suffix appears to advance before the other letters, unlike most other Mexican issues of this format. Assuming all letters but IOQ used.
  2017 Orange stripe base (black/white)        
    ZMA-197-S ZMA-197-S 1  
    ZMB-087-A ZMG-241-A 5,150 Sequencing now same as other states.
  2022 Maroon stripe base (black/white)        
    (not confirmed)   0  
  Chiapas is located on the Guatemalan border. Although no Froterizo plates are known, allocations have been reserved should they be issued in the future:        
  Automóviles 001 RPA1 999 RTZ9 827,172  
  Camiones ZSA 1000 ZST 9999 153,000 ZSU-ZTP autobus, remolque.
  Biennial plates:        
  1972-73 0268-C 4095-D 13,827 A-B suffixes expected, but not confirmed.
    01-AA 41-AA 41 Special series for commercial vehicles?
  1974-75 100 YSA 898 YYA 124,999  
  1976-77 100 YSA 723 YVR 75,324  
  1978-79 100 YPA 714 YWL 133,815  
  1980-81 100 YPA 549 YVA 103,950  
  1982-83 100 YPA 169 YWL 133,270  
  1984-85 100 YPA 811 YWW 142,012  
  1986 base (black/light blue)        
    100 YAA 200 YMS 241,301  
  1992 base (green/yellow)        
  (Assignment) 001 SAA1 999 SKZ9 2,067,930 Note: Suffix digit advances AFTER letters, unlike in other states using this format.
  Type 1: Painted border 001 SAA1 999 SLP1 243,756 High overshoots assigned range.
  Type 1/2 001 SAA2      
  Type 2: As Type 1, but SCT symbol printed UR 540 SAY2 298 SCJ2 32,726  
  Type 3: No border, barcode at top 735 SFL2 832 SGB2 14,084  
  1999 First Raramuri runners base (green/yellow)        
  Type 1: Small crest LR (none confirmed)   0  
  Type 2: Large crest LR 696 SJP2 999 SKZ2 32,272  
  Type 2a 001 SAA3 671 SHW3 180,491  
  2003 Second Raramuri runners base (black/white - solid yellow stripe)        
    528-SKX-3 999-SKZ-3 2,470  
    001-SAA-4 999-SKZ-4 229,770  
    001-SAA-5 141-SBM-5 34,107  
  2006 Tierra de Encuentro base (black/white - yellow mountain)        
    839-SCF-5 999-SKZ-5 177,983  
    001-SAA-6 884-SDS-6 84,800  
  2009 Pancho Villa base (black/white, screened map dividers - grey figure)        
    641-SGD-6 999-SKZ-6 88,271  
    001-SAA-7 640-SGR-7 152,488  
  2012 Vive base (orange/white, screened map dividers)        
    994-SJB-7 999-SKZ-7 43,962  
    001-SAA-8 675-SHE-8 165,510  
  2016 Second Vive base (black/white - green stripes)        
    226-SKN-8 999-SKZ-8 10,764  
    001-SAA-9 499-SGW-9 157,342  
  2017 Red plaque base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Plate number below QR code UR 784-SGY-9 461-SHJ-9 9,668  
  Type 2: No plate number UR 740-SHM-9 999-SKZ-9 57,203 Series exhausted.
  Type 2a A01-SAA-1 A80-SBM-8 31,067 Assumed progression: A01-SAA-1 - A99-SAA-1, then A02-SAA-2, etc.
  2022 Purple stripe base (red/white)        
    A84-SKS-2 A99-SKZ-9 6,946  
    B01-SAA-1 B72-SDG-9 67,689  
  1992 base (green/yellow)        
  (Assignment) ZTR 1000 ZUY 9999 279,000 ZUZ-ZVV autobus, remolque.
  Type 1: Painted border ZTR 1000 ZTZ 1080 72,081  
  Type 2: As Type 1, but SCT symbol printed UR ZTZ 8760 ZUB 5802 15,043  
  Type 3: No border, barcode at top ZUC 3706 ZUC 3706 1  
  1999 First Raramuri runners base (green/yellow)        
  Type 1: Small crest LR (none confirmed)   0  
  Type 2: Large crest LR ZUE 2338 ZUL 3335 54,998  
  2003 Second Raramuri runners base (black/white - solid yellow stripe)        
    ZUP-47-24 ZUV-21-63 42,440  
  2006 Tierra de Encuentro base (black/white - yellow mountain)        
    ZUV-58-52 ZUY-99-99 31,148 Series exhausted.
    ZTR-10-00 ZTS-80-91 16,092 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2009 Pancho Villa base (black/white, screened map dividers - grey figure)        
    ZTT-40-77 ZTX-99-39 41,863  
  2012 Vive base (orange/white, screened map dividers)        
    ZUB-20-35 ZUC-28-53 9,819  
  2016 Second Vive base (black/white - green stripes)        
    ZUD-91-32 ZUG-73-49 25,218 Series suspended.
    ZTR-579-A ZTR-579-A 1  
  2017 Red plaque base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Plate number below QR code UR (none confirmed)   0  
  Type 2: No plate number UR ZUC-738-A ZUH-609-A 4,867  
  2022 Purple stripe base (red/white)        
    ZTX-840-B ZTX-840-B 1  
  Biennial plates:        
  1972-73 0001-J 5478-J 5,478  
  1974-75 950 ZAE 192 ZAH 1,943 249 ZAA, 537 ZAC in regular passenger colours and format (by error?)
  1976-77 100 ZAA 762 ZAC 2,463  
  1978-79 100 YHA 515 YHY 19,316  
  1980-81 100 YHA 943 YHU 16,144  
  1982-83 100 YHA 159 YHD 2,760  
  1984-85 100 YHA 727 YHS 14,128  
  1986 base (black/light blue)        
    100 XUA 266 XVV 37,067  
  1992 base (green/yellow)        
  (Assignment) 001 RAA1 999 REZ9 1,033,965  
  Type 1: Plain 001 RAA1 848 RAD9 35,813  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR (not confirmed)   0  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/yellow)        
  Type 1: Red & green logo LR 365 RBA6 014 RBB5 7,642  
  Type 2: New green & yellow logo LR (not confirmed)   0  
  2001 Red stripe base (green/white) - identical to regular design        
    501-RBC-7 924-RBH-2 40,384  
  2004 Carranza & cross base (black/white, off-white stripe on bottom)        
  Type 1: Short barcode 517-RBL-1 001-RBP-1 26,458  
  Type 2: Long barcode with number printed below (not confirmed)   0  
  2007 Church of Santiago Apostol base (black/pale yellow, green stripes)        
  Type 1: Thin upper band 011-RBR-2 011-RBR-2 1 Variation not seen on non-fronteriza plates.
  Type 2: Wide upper band, stripe under state name 152-RBR-6 173-RBU-4 24,997  
  2010 Cuna de la Revolución base (black/white, red stripes)        
    238-RBX-4 417-RBY-6 11,169  
  2013 Tyrannosaurus base (black/white, green toned)        
    229-RCA-3 462-RCD-6 30,204  
  2016 Pterodactylus base (black/white, grey stripe)        
  Type 1: Large pterosaur, grey arc 983-RCE-6 484-RCG-5 16,485  
  Type 2: Small pterosaur, grey stripe 890-RCH-4 466-RCH-5 576  
  Type 3: As Type 2, but serial shifted down (not confirmed)   0  
  2019 MagiCOahuila treeline base (orange/white)        
    567-RCK-8 850-RCM-1 11,273  
  2022 MagiCOahuila rainbow letter base (green/white, white band at bottom)        
    564-RCN-4 564-RCN-4 1  
  Still using 001-AAA-1 format as of 2024.        
  1992 base (green/yellow)        
  (Assignment) ZPA 1000 ZRC 9999 234,000 ZRD-ZRZ autobus, remolque.
  Type 1: Plain ZPA 1000 ZPB 4188 12,189  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR (not confirmed)   0  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/yellow)        
    (not confirmed)   0  
  2001 Red stripe base (green/white) - identical to regular design        
    ZPD-37-14 ZPD-81-00 4,387  
  2004 Carranza & cross base (black/white, off-white stripe on bottom)        
    (not confirmed)   0  
  2007 Church of Santiago Apostol base (black/pale yellow, green stripes)        
  Type 1: Thin upper band (not confirmed)   0  
  Type 2: Wide upper band, stripe under state name ZPG-39-87 ZPG-39-87 1  
  2010 Cuna de la Revolución base (black/white, red stripes)        
    (not confirmed)   0  
  2013 Tyrannosaurus base (black/white, green toned)        
    ZPK-33-21 ZPK-33-21 1  
  2016 Pterodactylus base (black/white, grey stripe)        
  Type 1: Large pterosaur, grey arc ZPL-22-97 ZPL-22-97 1  
  Type 2: Small pterosaur, grey stripe (not confirmed)   0  
  Type 3: As Type 2, but serial shifted down (not confirmed)   0  
  2019 MagiCOahuila treeline base (orange/white)        
    ZPM-66-84 ZPM-66-84 1  
  2022 MagiCOahuila rainbow letter base (green/white, white band at bottom)        
    (not confirmed)   0  
  May or may not still be using AAA-10-00 format.        
  Biennial plates:        
  1972-73 (none)   0  
  1974-75 100 ZFA 389 ZGP 32,690  
  1976-77 100 ZFA 249 ZGM 30,750  
  1978-79 100 ZBA 570 ZBD 3,171  
  1980-81 100 ZBA 343 ZCR 33,544  
  1982-83 100 ZBA 397 ZCU 36,298  
  1984-85 100 ZBA 471 ZCZ 40,872  
  1986 base (black/light blue)        
    100 YWA 391 YZT 76,792  
  1992 base (green/yellow)        
  (Assignment) 001 SWA1 999 TAZ9 1,033,965  
  Type 1: Plain 001 SWA1 915 SWG4 57,858  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR 975 SWH9 975 SWH9 1  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/yellow)        
    001 SWA1 806 SWK5 85,721 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2002 Blazing sun base (black/red & white)        
    001-SWA-1 554-SWN-8 115,439 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2005 Plain deer dance base (black/tan)        
    082-SWP-7 907-SXF-9 137,689  
  2008 Plain red stripe base (black/yellow)        
    267-SXJ-4 660-SYB-6 146,248 267-SXJ-4 appears lighter in colour, similar to previous base.
  2011 Ram base (black/grey)        
    682-SYD-8 239-SYR-5 95,462  
  2014 Sea & desert base (black/white) - identical to regular design        
  Type 1: Large graphics, barcode at bottom 246-SYV-3 701-SZC-7 67,389  
  Type 2: Small graphics, QR code UR (not confirmed)   0  
  Type 3: As Type 2, but crest added left of state name (not confirmed)   0  
  May or may not still be using 001-AAA-1 format.        
  1992 base (green/yellow)        
  (Assignment) ZVW 1000 ZXB 9999 261,000 ZXC-ZXY autobus, remolque.
  Type 1: Plain ZVW 1000 ZVZ 5273 31,274  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR (not confirmed)   0  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/yellow)        
    ZVW 1000 ZVY 4439 21,440 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2002 Blazing sun base (black/red & white)        
    ZVW-10-00 ZVY-75-71 24,572 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2005 Plain deer dance base (black/tan)        
    ZVZ-45-26 ZWC-60-76 28,551  
  2008 Plain red stripe base (black/yellow)        
    ZWD-94-92 ZWG-64-24 23,933  
  2011 Ram base (black/grey)        
    ZWJ-77-73 ZWL-76-97 17,925  
  2014 Sea & desert base (black/white) - identical to regular design        
  Type 1: Large graphics, barcode at bottom ZWP-15-27 ZWP-25-89 1,063  
  Type 2: Small graphics, QR code UR (not confirmed)   0  
  Type 3: As Type 2, but crest added left of state name (not confirmed)   0  
  May or may not still be using AAA-10-00 format.        
  Biennial plates:        
  1972-73 0001-S 5021-X 55,016 No "FRONT" legend. Confirm W suffix.
  1974-75 100 ZRA 446 ZUK 70,547 "FRONT TAM"
  1976-77 100 ZRA 115 ZUV 78,316  
  1978-79 100 ZNA 686 ZRC 43,787 "F TAMPS"
  1980-81 100 ZNA 808 ZVL 133,909  
  1982-83 100 ZNA 434 ZUC 105,635  
  1984-85 100 ZNA 541 ZUJ 111,142  
  1986 base (black/light blue)        
    100 ZEA 965 ZNC 168,266 "FRONT TAMPS"
  1992 base (green/yellow)        
  (Assignment) 001 THA1 999 TTZ9 2,067,930  
    001 THA1 116 THY4 191,924  
  1998 first-gen graphic base (green/yellow)       Butte larger and off-centre, compared to regular design.
  Type 1: "Camino Nuevo" at bottom 204 TJB6 633 TJV2 149,281  
  Type 2: No legend, revised logo UL 192 TJV5 892 TJY7 29,672  
  2001 Yellow stripe base (black/white)        
    517-TKC-9 375-TLD-1 207,651  
  2004 Coat of arms base (black/yellow)        
    388-TLH-3 252-TMJ-1 213,651  
  2007 Olive green stripe base (black/white)        
    642-TMP-2 710-TNL-7 184,884  
  2010 Red stripe & flag base (black/white)        
    295-TNU-9 362-TPG-4 102,965  
  2013 Cerro del Bernal base (black/white, red butte) - identical to regular design        
    615-TPS-2 754-TPW-7 41,099  
  2016 Second red stripe base (black/white, ornate design bottom centre)        
    111-TRE-7 367-TRR-3 86,171 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2019 Tam wave base (black/white - blue & green reversed in wave)        
    A01-THA-1 A78-TKE-6 45,123  
  2022 Tam solid stripe base (blue/white - two tone stripe)        
    A90-TRD-7 A90-TRD-7 1  
  2023 Red T base (black/white)        
    (not confirmed)   0  
  1992 base (green/yellow)        
  (Assignment) ZXZ 1000 ZZC 9999 243,000 ZZD-ZZZ autobus, remolque.
    ZXZ 1000 ZYG 7442 69,443  
  1998 first-gen graphic base (green/yellow)       Butte larger and off-centre, compared to regular design.
  Type 1: "Camino Nuevo" at bottom ZYJ 4407 ZYP 1378 41,972  
  Type 2: No legend, revised logo UL ZYR 2106 ZYR 7661 5,556  
  2001 Yellow stripe base (black/white)        
    ZYT-12-30 ZYT-12-30 1  
  2004 Coat of arms base (black/yellow)        
    ZYY-60-39 ZZA-49-20 16,882 Series nearly exhausted.
  2007 Olive green stripe base (black/white)        
    ZYA-39-26 ZYC-65-16 20,591 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2010 Red stripe & flag base (black/white)        
    ZYH-37-95 ZYH-37-95 1  
  2013 Cerro del Bernal base (black/white, red butte) - identical to regular design        
    ZYL-31-09 ZYL-72-18 4,110 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2016 Second red stripe base (black/white, ornate design bottom centre)        
    ZXZ-501-E ZXZ-501-E 1 Sequencing unknown.
    ZXZ-430-J ZXZ-430-J 1  
  2019 Tam wave base (black/white - blue & green reversed in wave)        
    (not confirmed)   0  
  2022 Tam solid stripe base (blue/white - two tone stripe)        
    (not confirmed)   0  
  2023 Red T base (black/white)        
    (not confirmed)   0  

Last Updated on 8-24-24
By Andrew Turnbull